About The Author


I am a compulsive over eater and a member of program. I have been working a program of recovery since 2005, and by the Grace of God, been abstinent for the most part since I started.

They say: “we come for the vanity, but we stay for the sanity.” That has been true for me.

Program has given me tools to live life on life’s terms. After I did the steps for the first time, my husband got so happy with me. I said to him: “Why are you so happy with me? Nothing has changed.”

He said: “No, you have changed. You used to be the kind of person who blamed every one for all your problems. Now you are a can-do kind of person. You have completely transformed (his exact word) yourself.”

I said: “do you think that it is program?”
“Oh no Honey: you did it!”

The next time I went through the steps, he got even happier with me.

I said to him: “why are you so happy with me? Nothing has changed.”

This time he said: “You’re right. I’ve changed!”

And, he has.

Now, it sounds like a funny story, but really, we know from the AA Big Book, that this program offers us tools for having a spiritual transformation as the result of these steps, and that when we work our program, it speaks louder than a blow horn: like ripples on water, we are transformed as are the people around us.

If anyone would have told me that putting my food on a scale would be a spiritual experience, I would not have believed them. But, that is how it has been for me.

Putting my food on the scale has put boundaries around my food, and given me the space to live my life. It has given me structure and disciple, and by practicing the tools and prayer and meditation, it has given me conscious contact with the God of my own understanding.

Having gone through the steps and taken others through the steps, it has become my belief that food is a metaphor. Not only am I powerless over my food — I am powerless over my life.

God is the solution to all my problems. He is my Father and Director. I am His Child. I do not need to feel afraid, because He is always with me and He is always taking care of me. My job is to do His Will and take the next right step.

If you would like to contact me directly, please email me at:


With blessings for peace and recovery,



    • Good question! I often think I have a book inside of me. I trust that God will reveal what my next step needs to be, so long as I stay close to Him and love His children. What made you ask? Very thoughtful of you. 🕊

    • Hi Kasandra! We are in almost finished a Back to Basics on Sunday mornings at 10:00. Hopefully, that will be an ongoing step workshop where people will be able to go through the steps relatively quickly and learn how to work a daily, strong program of recovery. You are welcome to join our group on Sunday mornings. We are on Step 3. Yes, I sponsor people. Please email me at emotionalsobriety2013@gmail.com

  1. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Thank you for the reminder that G-d is always with me taking care of me and guiding me. All the best! chayke

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