ES&F Format 1-17-2021

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Good morning everyone.  Welcome to the Emotional Sobriety and Food Workshop. Today is: xx/xx/xx.  My name is ___________ and I will be the leader for this meeting today. If you are new to our group, welcome! We are so glad that you are here!

The Emotional Sobriety & Food Workshop is a group for women who are seeking to deepen their recovery from compulsive eating behaviors and who have already completed the steps. We meet on Sunday mornings from 5:30 to 6:30 AM EST.

In this group, we define emotional sobriety as the byproduct of living in recovery from compulsive eating behaviors. Being recovered begins with abstinence and includes the ongoing, daily practice of Step 10: self-examination; Step 11: prayer, mediation; and Step 12: practicing the principles of the program in all our affairs.

During our meetings, we read and discuss the AA Big Book and other program/ recovery literature, in order to deepen our knowledge and apply the spiritual principles embodied in each of the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions to our lives. Ultimately the resulting peace of mind and closer conscious contact with the G-d of our understanding will enable us to be of maximum service to G-d, other people and ourselves.

To listen to playback recordings of our meetings, access the documents, and other information or announcements from our group, please go to our blog,  Please sign up, if you haven’t already, to receive our blog postings.

Please note that The Emotional Sobriety & Food Workshop is not endorsed by or affiliated with any 12-step program. We are self-supporting through our own contributions.

Let’s open with a moment of silence, to invite God into our hearts, and to pray for the recovery of everyone in this group. After that, we will invite God into the room with the set-aside prayer.

OPTIONAL: guided meditation of choice. See below.

OPTIONAL: I have asked ___________ to read today’s daily meditation.

Now, please join me as we invite God into our meeting by reading the “Set Aside Prayer”.

“Dear God, we invite you into this room, to guide and direct each of us as we seek Your Truth. Please set aside within each of us anything that would block us. Lay aside our prejudices about what we think we know about ourselves, our disease of COE, this meeting, the steps and our spiritual condition. Remove our fears that we may hear Your Truth through the members of this group. Give us the strength and courage to share Your Truth with each other in a real spirit of Love and Compassion for our fellow man”

We ask that we may have a truly open mind, so we might have a new experience with these things and come to know You better. Please help us see the Truth. Amen

Review what was discussed last meeting.

State goals of today’s meeting.

Recap meeting.


Our time is almost up.


In accordance with the Seventh Tradition, our group is self-supporting. Your donation will help us meet our expenses and carry the message. Please send your 7th Tradition contributions through PayPal or Zelle to: ________________.  Please contact me directly if you have any questions.)

Now is the time for any announcements and available sponsors. Are there any announcements?

Are there any sponsors with time available please identify themselves by name, city and phone number and fellowship – two times very clearly.

If you didn’t have a chance to share or if you have any questions, some of us will remain after the meeting to answer them.

Thank you all for participating today either by sharing or by listening and for the opportunity to lead our meeting today. If you found it helpful, please come back next week and bring a friend!

As we close this meeting, let’s all take a few deep breaths and then close with the Serenity Prayer:

Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Leader: Thy will not mine be done!


Choose a quiet place. Sit comfortably, with your back straight, but not rigid.

Align your head, neck and shoulders with each other. Place your feet on the floor and rest your hands gently on your lap.

Take this time to silently connect to God and feel His presence. If you like, visualize a connection to God like a stream of water.

Now, bring your attention to the room where you are sitting.

Hear the sounds. Feel your body. Notice your breathing.

Without trying to control your breathing, pay attention to the incoming and outgoing breath.  Feel the movement of your breath, the actual sensations of breathing.  Feel the air at the tip of your nose, over your lip, and the stretching of your abdomen as it rises and falls with each breath.

Keep focusing on your breathing and count from 1 – 5 forwards and backwards, silently repeating the number with each inhalation and exhalation.  Count 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 as you breathe in and breathe out.  If your mind wanders, observe your thoughts as if they are bubbles of air under water floating to the surface. Then, gently return your attention to the breath and counting from 1 – 5.


Before we close this meditation take a few more breaths. Silently thank God for this opportunity to become closer to Him and to hear His guidance through the members of this group.

Return to once again noticing yourself in the room where you are sitting.

When you are ready, slowly open your eyes and return to the room.

After a XX-minute pause, we will invite God into our meeting by reading “The Set Aside Prayer”


Choose a quiet place.

Sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair.

Sit with your back straight, but not rigid.

Align your head, neck and shoulders with each other.

Place your feet on the floor and rest your hands gently on your lap.

Bring your attention to the room where you are sitting.

Hear the sounds. Feel your body. Notice your breathing.

Breathing in and out naturally through your nose, focus your awareness on your breath, the actual sensations of breathing.

Feel the air at the tip of your nose, over your lip, and the stretching of your abdomen as it rises and falls with each breath.

As you breathe in, allow the abdomen to rise and fill up with air like a balloon. Briefly hold your breath, and then slowly exhale. Briefly hold your breath again, and then inhale slowly, without rushing. (It may be helpful to count from 1-5 as you breathe in, and then from 1-6 as you breathe out.) Repeat this cycle of abdominal breathing up to 5 times.

Now, take a moment to visualize a connection to God and feel His presence.

If you like, visualize a connection to God like a stream of water washing over you.

Next, take a few minutes and write down everything that you want in your life, right now. On this list, write all your wants — anything that is blocking you off from God and from connecting to Him.

Now, for 1 minute, talk to God out loud, and thank Him for everything that you want, as if He has already given it to you.

Next, take a moment and think of one area where you are currently being challenged.

Is there anyone that you feel angry or resentful towards?

If so, take the time now to pray for them and forgive them; or pray for them and pray for the willingness to forgive them.

Is there anything that you did which harmed or hurt another person?

What did you do?

Apologize to God, and to yourself.  If you harmed someone else, visualize acting differently, and commit to apologizing to them.

What is the character defect that caused the harm?

How can you improve? Commit to doing one thing to help change this behavior and resolve to act differently. Speak to God out loud and tell Him what you are willing to do differently.

Consider, the underlying question: How would God have me be?

For example: rather than be selfish, God would have me be unselfish;

Rather than fearful, God would have me faithful;

rather than be dishonest, God would have me be honest.

Now, take a moment and show God your list, and say, out loud, “God, this is my list of wants. But, what I really want is to be close to You and to do Your will. Please take this list, and please show me and guide me how to take the next right step so I can do Your will always.”

Now, spend a few moments to contemplate: Why am I here? What is my purpose? How can I be of service to others?

Focus your awareness on being grateful. Take a moment, and out loud, thank God for everything He has given you and for this opportunity to connect to Him and feel His presence.

Conclude this meditation by asking God for the opportunity to speak with Him again tomorrow.


Choose a quiet place. Sit comfortably on the floor or in a chair. Your back should be straight, but not rigid.

Rest your hands in your lap on your knees. Look down at the floor with your eyelids half-closed.

Take a moment to

  • Meditate on a passage of inspirational literature or
  • Chant or repeat a particular word or phrase.

Bring your attention to the room where you are sitting.

Hear the sounds. Feel your body. Notice your breathing.

Without trying to control your breathing, pay attention to the incoming and outgoing breath.

Take this time to silently connect to God and feel His presence.

If you like, visualize a connection to God like a stream of water.

Thank God for any two things in your life—one current, the other current or past.

Pray and ask God for two material things—one related to today, one related to the future. Thank Him for all he has given you.

Pray and ask God for two spiritual things—one related to today, one related to the future. Thank Him for all he has given you.

Pray and ask God to help others. Thank Him for all he has given everyone.

When you notice your mind wandering, gently return your attention to your breath.

Before we end: Ask God to talk again tomorrow and say “Thank You.”

Now, please join me as we invite God into our meeting by reading the “Set Aside Prayer”.

“Dear God, we invite you into this room, to guide and direct each of us as we seek Your Truth. Please set aside within each of us anything that would block us. Lay aside our prejudices about what we think we know about ourselves, our disease of COE, this meeting, the steps and our spiritual condition. Remove our fears that we may hear Your Truth through the members of this group. Give us the strength and courage to share Your Truth with each other in a real spirit of Love and Compassion for our fellow man”

We ask that we may have a truly open mind, so we might have a new experience with these things and come to know You better. Please help us see the Truth. Amen

Recap of the week before, make any announcement. Remind group of work that was assigned for this week and the work for the next session.


Dear God:

Here I am, so grateful to You for the gift of abstinence that You have given me.

You and I both know how utterly powerless I am over food and over this compulsion.

I have put things into my mouth to make me feel better, to no avail.

My life has become unmanageable over my effort to control my life with food.

I am powerless over food, and over the people, places and things in my life.

I am powerless over everything.

When I try to exert my will over them, I make a complete mess of things.

I believe with all my heart and all my soul that You, and only You, can restore me to sane, balanced, healthy, and productive living.

You have so graciously proven that to me, over and over, with each abstinent day I’ve enjoyed.

You are the All-Powerful Creator, who provides my every need at every moment.

Please grant me the gift of abstinence today because I am ready today, with your help, to care for it gratefully and lovingly.

I am putting my whole self in Your hands today, to do with me what You will.

I pray You will grant me the clarity I need to discern whatever is the next right thing for me to do in each situation

You place me in today. God, please stay by my side, as You have done each day.

Support me, I beg of you. It is only with Your infinite Power and love that I can achieve what You desire.

Guide me and show me Your will for me.

Just for today, Lord, I am humbly asking to be Your servant.

Grant me clarity and strength so that I am able to do so in abstinence.

Bless our fellowship that many more can be helped as I was helped.