Detour Ahead!

Detour Ahead!


I was preparing to do my writing on the book, Satisfied: A 90 Day Spiritual Journey towards Food Freedom, by Dr. Rhona Epstein, but, unfortunately, I have discovered that the author is a bit too Christian for my comfort.

So, I am going to try and experiment with translating the concepts that Dr. Rhona writes about into my own spiritual language.

The early pioneers of program were deeply Christian and pious people. However, in order to reach all alcoholics, they wisely chose to make the 12-Step program of recovery a set of spiritual principles, rather than religious.

As it says in the AA Big Book: “We are not an organization in the conventional sense of the word. There are no fees nor dues whatsoever. The only requirement for membership is an honest desire to stop drinking. We are not allied with any particular faith, sect or denomination, nor do we oppose anyone. We simply wish to be helpful to those who are afflicted.” (AA Big Book Original Manuscript, Foreword)


But, by necessity, the spiritual growth as outlined in the AA Big Book and program literature is reduced to spiritual kindergarten. In order to grow in understanding and effectiveness, in my experience, it is necessary to return to one’s spiritual faith, whatever it is. So, I am going on my own path here.

For some, working a program requires some people to dig deeper spiritually. I am one of those people.

Anyone is free to disagree. As with everything, take what you want and leave the rest behind. I am not a scholar, nor am I a spiritual leader in any way. I am writing these posts to help my recovery. In the process, I hope that others will be helped too.

Stay tuned! If I am actually able to follow through on my lofty ambition, who knows what will emerge. Thank you all for your patience.

In love and service,





Here is a link to the book on Amazon.



  1. Yes I think especially now that we are tottering on the verge of the Geulah Shelaimah, it is important to be clear on what constitutes emes. While I do believe the Wellsprings of Torah have already touched virtually all aspects of gashmius, leaving at least a drop of emes with most (but not all) spiritual traditions, I think lending too much credence to non-Torah sources has a spiritual cost. We are to be an or ha goyim, not the other way around.

    I have every confidence that the AA BB is as pure a non-Torah source as can exist in our world. That said, when we 12th step, we should be clear to do so with a heavy grounding in Torah. This is important when working with either Jews or gentiles. The latter are more and more searching for the authentic spirituality available to them via Sheva Mitzvos or kosher geirus.

    Just my two cents. Wonderful to have you back writing, Shira! Sending much love.

  2. Right on, Shira! My experience with OA was that it enhanced the spirituality expressed in my religion. I’m glad you’re taking this further.

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